Friday 13 January 2012

Out With The Old

Hey peeps how are you all? You might want to grab a cuppa and a chair because I'm about to go off in a rant lol
You see I was so looking forward to today, for the first time ever both my children were supposed to be in nursery from 9 til 11.30 and it was meant to be chill out time for me but nooooooooooooooooo!! Friday the 13th had other ideas :-( instead my car decided not to start which is just the biggest disaster for me as I had to get two children to two different nurserys for 9 o'clock and I had 3 mins to do it in. So I had to drop one child off which took 5 mins to walk, then walk 20 mins to lewis's nursery, get him sorted, walk another 20 mins back to house, spent the next hour tidying to then walk another 20 mins to Lewis's nursery.Once he was collected that left me 25 mins to make a quick detour to farmfoods and the final 20 min walk to the school to collect Arran then home. But just because I was home it didn't meant I could put my feet up, no I had to get lunch sorted then finish the housework all in an hour because we had the estate agent arriving at 1pm arghhhhh. It's now 4pm and finally I can grab a quick cuppa and write this post before it's time to make a start on dinner. That bottle of rose wine is def getting opened tonight and there's no question about it the children will be in bed early.....rant now over phew! lol

Anyway enough of my ramblings, lets talk craft. Today over at Stampin For The Weekend we have our first challenge of the year. And our theme this week is


Nice and easy eh??

Below is a tag I made for a birthday present and yes I know it's Edwin again but I did warn you lol

I have to apologise for the rubbish picture, it was taken when we had the storms and although these have past we haven't had a bright day since to do a retake.

Well I best be off got so much to do and I really want to fit in my 3k run before kids are in bed. So I hope you all have a fab weekend and hopefully you'll pop by again soon.

hugs Clare x


  1. Love the tag and you're certainly getting your moneys worth out of Edwin! I've made one card with him, but haven't had time to blog yet....thought that would be yesterday, but......

    Anyway, hope the car won't be too costly and that you get to enjoy your calm time next week.
    Susie x

  2. oh i love it its so cute
    Lisa x

  3. Clare hope you are enjoying your wine lol. Your tag is gorgeous, love this Edwin and he looks fab in bright colours. Joey x

  4. Such a cute little tag - love it! How's your car now? Is it poorly or was it just having on off-day? Surely there's no need for a 3k run when you've done all that walking :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  5. o dear or dear, what a friday 13th, hope you have your car sorted,

    (I also wanted to drop by to let you know about my sale that may be of interest to you, many items reduced, pop by to my blog for more info)

  6. Awww this is so cute Clare, love all the colours, so bright and fun.. and sorry to hear about your day and the car breaking down. Hope you get it fixed soon xx

  7. This is such a great tag. I love the image and the colors are so bright and make me happy.
    Wish you a great weekend.
    Hugs Gunn

  8. Hi Clare, I came over to pop a message on your Charisma cards card but its not here yet :)

    It's lovely and made me want to get my gorjuss girls out again!! Belz xx
