It's time to get the Kleenex tissues out, no I haven't still got the flu but my final week as guest DT member over at MAWTT.You have probably heard this a million times now but I really did have a fab time.I got a buzz knowing that I had the sketch on the Friday before the challenge started and then had to wait til the thursday before I could upload my card.Your probably thinking she's mad but it made me happy and you can't put a price on that.So for the final time thankyou to all the DT members on MAWTT and I would like to wish them every success in all they do.
This weeks prize up for grabs is a set of stamps from Julie their resident sponser so pop over to
MAWTT where you will find the link to her shop.

If you are up for the challenge below is Clare C's sketch and yet again its a good one.The theme this week is stitching whether it be real or faux.

This is my interpretation on Clare's sketch.To be honest when I first received this sketch my mind went utterly and completely blank, not that there's much in there at the best of times.So after a night of no inspiration whatsoever and worrying that I have lost my mojo, I decided that perhaps a good nights sleep is in order.Well it worked, the following day my mum mentioned she loved my maggie stamp and as it's her birthday the day after mine I just had to dedicate this card to my mum.

Here's the recipe
backing papers -NME bloom and grow
buttons ,sentiment and felt border-NME bloom and grow
circle-friskers template
scalloped circle- scissors
gem stone- value Papermania
stamp- Maggie with Flowers from
Funky Kitscardstock-The
PapermillStitching-Whisper markers
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